The CSS Podcast: 021: Gradients

css gradientsThe CSS Podcast

CSS Gradients

Gradient is an image that smoothly fading from 1 color to another

Color stops - a color and a corresponding position on the gradient line Color transition hints - a position to decide whether the middle point should be for the 2 color stops Color stop fixup - automatically assigning a length to color stops


  [ <angle> | to <side-or-corner> ]? ,
<side-or-corner> = [left | right] || [top | bottom]


  • example: 180deg, 3.14rad, 0.5turn
  • to bottom, to right, to top left
.element {
  linear-graident(pink, orange); /* default color transition hints at 50% */
  linear-gradient(pink, 50%, orange); /* color stop fixup, starting color at 0%, final color at 100% */
  linear-gradient(pink 0%, orange 100%);
  linear-gradient(pink 0%, 50%, orange 100%);


  [ <ending-shape> || <size> ]? [ at <position> ]? ,
  • ending shape is either circle / ellipse

  • can provide ending shape or size

  • if only passing size, if only 1 size -> circle, multiple sizes -> ellipse

  • size

    • cannot be negative
    • absolute length (eg: 5rem, 10px) / relative length (eg: 30%)
    • closest-side, farthest-side, closest-corner, farthest-corner
      • the circle / ellipse must passes through
  <div id="closest-side"></div>
  <div id="farthest-side"></div>
  <div id="closest-corner"></div>
  <div id="farthest-corner"></div>
#closest-side {
  background: radial-gradient(circle closest-side, yellow 100%, 100%, red);
#farthest-side {
  background: radial-gradient(circle farthest-side, yellow 100%, 100%, red);
#closest-corner {
  background: radial-gradient(circle closest-corner at 30px 30px, yellow 100%, 100%, red);
#farthest-corner {
  background: radial-gradient(circle farthest-corner at 30px 30px, yellow 100%, 100%, red);

radial graident sizes


  • part of CSS images module level 4
conic-gradient() = conic-gradient(
  [ from <angle> ]? [ at <position> ]?,
  • color stops uses deg / rad / turn units

repeating-linear-gradient, repeating-radial-gradient, repeating-conic-gradient

  • same color stop list as linear-gradient, radial-gradient, conic-gradient
  • common pitfall of gradient not repeating is because gradient size of 100%
  • tip: use % based color stops for fixed size gradient, length based color stops for unknown size gradient
  • tip: pair it with background size, repeat and position to create a pattern

animating repeating-conic-gradient

  div {
    background: repeating-conic-gradient(from calc(var(--number, 0) * 1turn) at center, red 0 4deg, transparent 0 8deg) fixed;
    animation: to1 600s linear infinite;
  @keyframes to1 {
    to {
      --number: 1;
  if (window.CSS && CSS.registerProperty) {
      name: '--number',
      syntax: '<number>',
      inherits: true,
      initialValue: '0',

Avoid transparent

  • avoid transparent in gradients
  • maybe transitioning to white transparent / black transparent

safari: transparent safari

chrome: transparent chrome
