The CSS Podcast: 028: Houdini Series: Paint

css houdiniThe CSS Podcast


paint worklet

  • a.k.a CSS Paint API
  • allow developers to define canvas like custom painting functions, that can be used directly in CSS as background, border, ...


  • self-contained, can be run off the main thread

  • all worklets are workers, worklet is more specific workers

  • worklet have a tight limited contract between the script and the application that created it

  • limited in the hopes of doing something powerful

  • worklet scripts are always invoked in their own sandbox, with their allocated computing power, allow them to be created and destroyed very quickly

  • secure, served and run from a https server

  • will run off the main thread

  • browser will forward the request found in the CSS for background paint job from a custom houdini worklet, worklet will run in it's own thread, and will return a painted canvas for the browser to use

  • secure, fast, off-the-main thread

gotcha: if run locally, need to serve from a local server

registerPaint(name, workletClass)

// worklet.js
// 1️⃣ define the worklet class
class CheckerboardPainter {
  paint(ctx, geometry, property, args) {
    // ...    
// 2️⃣ register the worklet: registerPaint(name, workletClass)
registerPaint('checkerboard', CheckerboardPaint);

// ---------------------
// main.js
// 3️⃣ add worklet

// main.css
// 4️⃣ use the paint worklet
li { 
  background-image: paint(checkerboard);
  border-image: paint(checkerboard);

paint(ctx, geometry, property, arguments)

  • ctx
    • akin to the canvas context, canvas.getContext('2d')
    • same full API as canvas context, ctx.fill()
  • geometry
    • height and width of your element
    • geometry.height, geometry.width
  • property
    • pull in input properties, custom properties in CSS, and used them as values to customise the worklet
    • can use together with CSS Properties and Values API
// worklet.js
class SuperUnderlinePainter {
  // return an array of input properties
  static get inputProperties() {
    return ['--underlineWidth', '--underlineColor'];
  paint(ctx, geometry, properties) {
    // get the property value from CSS
    const underlineWidth = properties.get('--underlineWidth');
    const underlineColor = properties.get('--underlineColor');

    // use them to paint
    ctx.fillStyle = underlineColor;
    ctx.fillRect(0, 0, 3, underlineWidth);
// main.css
li { 
  --underlineWidth: 3;
  --underlineColor: red;
  background: paint(super-underline);
  • arguments
    • don't have to share the same property if using the multiple paint worklet on the same element
    • can give different argument for each of the paint worklet
// worklet.js
class SuperUnderlinePainter {
  // return an array of input argument types
  static get inputArguments() {
    return [
      '<number>', // underline width
      '<color>',  // underline color
  paint(ctx, geometry, properties, args) {
    // get the argument value
    const [underlineWidth, underlineColor] = args;
    // use them to paint
    ctx.fillStyle = underlineColor.cssText;
    ctx.fillRect(0, 0, 3, underlineWidth.value);
// main.css
li { 
  background: paint(super-underline, 3, red);
// worklet.js
class Painter {
    define if alphatransparency is allowed
  static get contextOptions() { 
    return { alpha: true }; 