Lazy Loading Svelte component

lazy loadsvelte

Lazy Loading Svelte component

let lazyComponent;
function load() {
lazyComponent = import(`./LazyComponent.svelte`);
let count = 0;
{#if lazyComponent}
{#await lazyComponent then { default: LazyComponent }}
<LazyComponent {count} />
<button on:click={load}>Load</button>
<button on:click={() => count ++}>Increment</button>
<!-- LazyComponent.svelte -->
export let count;


  • For rollup users, dynamic imports only supported in the following output formats:
    • esm
    • amd
    • systemjs

Dynamic Lazy Component

You can't use dynamic expressions for import() in rollup.

A better approach for dynamic lazy component would be passing in a function that will return a dynamic component

import LazyComponent from './LazyComponent.svelte';
let load = false;
component={() => import('./LoadMeLikeLazy.svelte')} />
<button on:click={() => { load = true; }}>Load</button>
<!-- filename: LazyComponent.svelte -->
export let when = false;
export let component;
let loading;
$: if (when) {
function load() {
loading = component();
{#if when}
{#await loading then { default: Component }}
<Component />