
Install it

With npm

npm install svelte-json-tree

With yarn

yarn add svelte-json-tree

Use it

  import JsonTree from 'svelte-json-tree';
  let value = {
    message: 'hello world',
    item: [1, 2, 3],

<JsonTree {value} />


Customise theme

Style with style-props

  let value = {
    message: 'hello world',
    item: [1, 2, 3],
    symbol: Symbol(1),
    n: null,
    u: undefined,
    fn: function (a, b) {},
    map: new Map([
      [1, 2],
      ['3', false],
    set: new Set([true, false, Infinity]),
    regex: /^https?:\/\/$/g,
    error: new Error('oops'),
    date: new Date(),

<div style="background: #272822; padding: 1em;">


    { message: "hello world" ,item: Array(3) ,symbol: Symbol(1) ,n: null ,u: undefined , }
    • message: "hello world"
    • item: (3) [ 1 ,2 ,3 ]
    • symbol: Symbol(1)
    • n: null
    • u: undefined
    • fn: ƒ fn(a, b)
    • map: Map(2) { 1 => 2 ,"3" => false }
    • set: Set(3) { true ,false ,Infinity }
    • regex: /^https?:\/\/$/g
    • error: Error: oops
    • date: 2023-10-15T10:45:50.962Z

Default expanded nodes

Expand by paths

  let value = {
    a: {
      d: { h: [{ x: 1 }, { y: 2 }], i: [{ x: 1 }, { y: 2 }], j: [{ x: 1 }, { y: 2 }] },
      e: { h: [{ x: 1 }, { y: 2 }], i: [{ x: 1 }, { y: 2 }], j: [{ x: 1 }, { y: 2 }] },
      f: { h: [{ x: 1 }, { y: 2 }], i: [{ x: 1 }, { y: 2 }], j: [{ x: 1 }, { y: 2 }] },
    b: {
      d: { h: [{ x: 1 }, { y: 2 }], i: [{ x: 1 }, { y: 2 }], j: [{ x: 1 }, { y: 2 }] },
      e: { h: [{ x: 1 }, { y: 2 }], i: [{ x: 1 }, { y: 2 }], j: [{ x: 1 }, { y: 2 }] },
      f: { h: [{ x: 1 }, { y: 2 }], i: [{ x: 1 }, { y: 2 }], j: [{ x: 1 }, { y: 2 }] },
    c: {
      d: { h: [{ x: 1 }, { y: 2 }], i: [{ x: 1 }, { y: 2 }], j: [{ x: 1 }, { y: 2 }] },
      e: { h: [{ x: 1 }, { y: 2 }], i: [{ x: 1 }, { y: 2 }], j: [{ x: 1 }, { y: 2 }] },
      f: { h: [{ x: 1 }, { y: 2 }], i: [{ x: 1 }, { y: 2 }], j: [{ x: 1 }, { y: 2 }] },

<JsonTree {value} defaultExpandedPaths={['$.a.d.h.1', '$.c.e.*']} />


Expand by level

  let value = {
    a: {
      d: { h: [{ x: 1 }, { y: 2 }], i: [{ x: 1 }, { y: 2 }], j: [{ x: 1 }, { y: 2 }] },
      e: { h: [{ x: 1 }, { y: 2 }], i: [{ x: 1 }, { y: 2 }], j: [{ x: 1 }, { y: 2 }] },
      f: { h: [{ x: 1 }, { y: 2 }], i: [{ x: 1 }, { y: 2 }], j: [{ x: 1 }, { y: 2 }] },
    b: {
      d: { h: [{ x: 1 }, { y: 2 }], i: [{ x: 1 }, { y: 2 }], j: [{ x: 1 }, { y: 2 }] },
      e: { h: [{ x: 1 }, { y: 2 }], i: [{ x: 1 }, { y: 2 }], j: [{ x: 1 }, { y: 2 }] },
      f: { h: [{ x: 1 }, { y: 2 }], i: [{ x: 1 }, { y: 2 }], j: [{ x: 1 }, { y: 2 }] },
    c: {
      d: { h: [{ x: 1 }, { y: 2 }], i: [{ x: 1 }, { y: 2 }], j: [{ x: 1 }, { y: 2 }] },
      e: { h: [{ x: 1 }, { y: 2 }], i: [{ x: 1 }, { y: 2 }], j: [{ x: 1 }, { y: 2 }] },
      f: { h: [{ x: 1 }, { y: 2 }], i: [{ x: 1 }, { y: 2 }], j: [{ x: 1 }, { y: 2 }] },

<JsonTree {value} defaultExpandedLevel={1} />


Hide preview

Sometimes when you have a JSON object or array, there’s a preview showing to the right of the object. You can set shouldShowPreview to false to hide it.

  let value = {
    message: 'hello world',
    item: [1, 2, 3],
    nested: {
      key: 'value',

<JsonTree {value} shouldShowPreview={false} />

ESM / Standalone / UMD

You can import svelte-json-tree directly, without having to setting up plugins to transform .svelte code

import Jsontree from 'svelte-json-tree';

new Jsontree({
  target: document.body,
  props: { value: [14, 15] },

If you want to use it without installing svelte, use the standalone version

import Jsontree from 'svelte-json-tree/standalone';

new Jsontree({
  target: document.body,
  props: { value: [14, 15] },

Or use the UMD version

  <script src=""></script>
    new SvelteJsonTree({
      target: document.body,
      props: { value: [20, 21] },